Since the day it was founded, our company, which is based on quality and trust, aims to grow with each passing day and to grow based on quality and trust principle in service. Curizon, who takes great care to be diverse and innovative in its designs, is on the way to becoming a brand wanted in quality and diversity. Choosing furniture and seating as well as producing requires a great deal of experience, passion and pleasure. We have chosen to design and produce products that will add value to our lives as our profession. Our work is to stay up to date, one step ahead.
We think, investigate, design, produce ... We have been growing for the last 10 years with the same excitement day by day!
We are in the works that are making us more excited now; Curizon, which started with the production of modern seats in 2007, is carrying out the concept design production with Bedroom, Dining Room and Tv unit, furniture in 2015. We create new store concepts in order to bring our functional, quality, different, original and robust products to our consumers in the most elegant and most decorative environments. On the one hand, we increase the number of our stores in our country's distinguished points, while exporting to 12 countries, we provide added value to our country